Saturday, March 4, 2017

Digital Blog Post #H

In chapter 9 we talk about how we can express creativity with multimedia technologies.  Multimedia means "the presentation of material using both words and pictures".  There are many great forms of technology being used in the classroom such as a smart board, laptops for students to work on, digital projectors and screens, etc.  In my educational experience, many of my teachers which I have greatly enjoyed have used Powerpoints to assist their teaching.  Then again there have been teachers who use this type of multimedia but fail to interest the students, along with teaching efficiently.  I definitely plan to implement Powerpoints in my future classrooms.  A teacher should take his or her time into making these presentation because they can make or break a lesson.  A Powerpoint can be short or long and can include text, pictures, charts, graphs, audio, video and animation.  This is really an all-in-one technology teaching resource.

Photo credit to AJ Cann from Flickr

Prezi is also another amazing tool to use for teaching.  Prezi's are more interactive and playful than Powerpoints.  In a Prezi key points can be emphasized by zooming into a particular part of the presentation, along with supporting details.  Teachers can allow students to make changes in a Prezi and add information that they may find interesting.  This is another technology tool that I will use in my future classroom to engage student in learning.  Here is a video of a teach whom has assigned students to create a Prezi on various subjects and the students are enjoying it.

YouTube has come to be the biggest video hosting and sharing website.  YouTube even offers a channel teachers and students can search titled "education" which locates appropriate classroom videos.  This channel through YouTube gives teachers a tool to further enhance the learning process through technology students are already familiar and comfortable with using.  There are millions of people whom have already uploaded videos onto YouTube about pretty much anything you can think of and if not, anybody has the liberty to upload their own YouTube video onto the site to share.  I can see myself using this resource in a project for students in the future.  Here is a link to a website which explains some benefits of using YouTube in the classroom.


Cann, AJ. (2017, March 3). The Flipped Classroom. Retrieved from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O'Loughlin, Ruth-Ellen, Eddwards, Sharon A., and Woold, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies, 2nd Edition. Boston, MA; Pearson Educaiton, Inc.

Olmeda, Gabriel. (2017, March 2). Using Prezi in the Classroom. Retrieved from

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